New products
5 colloidal probes with middle-range resonance frequency and stiffness, gold reflective coating, sphere material and size can be choosen.

Colloidal probes with micron spheres of various materials attached to HA_FM tipless cantilevers.
AFM cantilevers of Etalon series have well-defined resonance of the bulk and stiffness constant due to the features of their production process. Attaching colloidal spheres to Etalon probes one will get predictable behaviour for all the probes from the set ordered.
Colloidal probes with metal coating for conductive AFM measurements are available under request. If before production we get the detailed of application, which colloidal probes are ordered for, we could shift the parameters of the process to optimize probes' properties for their goal.
Each HA_FM chip has two bulks - the customer may choose the bulk, that a colloidal particle should be attached to. Another bulk will be removed to avoid confusion during the work.
The material and the size of the colloidal particles could be chosen from the table below.


Colloidal particles material and size standard offer:
Material type Diameters available, µm
SiO2 2.01; 3.5; 4.63; 6.62; 10; 15; 28.75
PMMA 1.5; 3.36; 6.44; 10; 108
BSG 2; 5; 10; 20
Gold 1.5 - 3; 3 - 5.5; 5.5 - 9
Glass beads 10 - 50
Barium Titanate Solid Glass 74 - 90; 90 - 106
Soda Lime Glass 100
Polysterene 1.98; 3.6; 6.1; 10; 15
Glass 70 - 110; 180 - 212


Specification of HA_FM colloidal AFM probes:

 Polysilicon lever
 Chip size  3.6 x 1.6 x 0.4 mm
 Reflective side  Au
 Cantilever number  1 rectangular
 Tip shape Colloidal ball


 One of cantilevers for colloidal particle attachement can be choosen:


Cantilever type A B Typical dispersion
Length, L (µm) 223 183 ± 2
Width, W (µm) 34 34 ± 3
Thickness, H (µm) 3 3 ± 0.15
Force Constant (N/m) 3.5 6 ±20%
Resonant frequency (kHz) 77 114 ± 10%

5 colloidal probes for the Nonontact mode, gold reflective coating, sphere material and size can be choosen.

Colloidal probes with micron spheres of various materials attached to HA_NC tipless cantilevers.
AFM cantilevers of Etalon series have well-defined resonance of the bulk and stiffness constant due to the features of their production process. Attaching colloidal spheres to Etalon probes one will get predictable behaviour for all the probes from the set ordered.
Colloidal probes with metal coating for conductive AFM measurements are available under request. If before production we get the detailed of application, which colloidal probes are ordered for, we could shift the parameters of the process to optimize probes' properties for their goal.
Each HA_NC chip has two bulks - the customer may choose the bulk, that a colloidal particle should be attached to. Another bulk will be removed to avoid confusion during the work.
The material and the size of the colloidal particles could be chosen from the table below.


Colloidal particles material and size standard offer:
Material type Diameters available, µm
SiO2 2.01; 3.5; 4.63; 6.62; 10; 15; 28.75
PMMA 1.5; 3.36; 6.44; 10; 108
BSG 2; 5; 10; 20
Gold 1.5 - 3; 3 - 5.5; 5.5 - 9
Glass beads 10 - 50
Barium Titanate Solid Glass 74 - 90; 90 - 106
Soda Lime Glass 100
Polysterene 1.98; 3.6; 6.1; 10; 15
Glass 70 - 110; 180 - 212


Specification of HA_NC colloidal AFM probes:

 Polysilicon lever
 Chip size  3.6 x 1.6 x 0.4 mm
 Reflective side  Au
 Cantilever number  1 rectangular
 Tip shape Colloidal ball


 One of cantilevers for colloidal particle attachement can be choosen:


Cantilever type A B Typical dispersion
Length, L (µm) 94 124 ± 2
Width, W (µm) 34 34 ± 3
Thickness, H (µm) 1.85 1.85 ± 0.15
Force Constant (N/m) 12 3.5 ±20%
Resonant frequency (kHz) 235 140 ± 10%



Etalon Premium: pencil-shape tips for HQ AFM topography scans

We're glad to present the new product line in our assortment: Etalon Premium probes with pencil-shape tips for high-quality AFM scanning!

Etalon Premium tips have got conical apex and cylindrical body to minimize tip-related widening of objects investigated. Excellent geometry provides high resolution of AFM scans:
 - Conical apex of 5-8 nm typical curvature radius and cone angle < 30° suits well for imaging of small objects and nanoparticles;
 - Narrow cylindrical body with diameter of 300 - 700 nm and height 8 mkm allow getting detailed images of high objects, making Etalon Premium probes being similar to high aspect ratio probes models.

In our experience (and by reports of our customers), these probes show better scanning data for almost all types of surfaces. They are especially effective for high objects of 1 um and higher.

To check performance of Etalon Premium probes in application to high objects we scanned with AFM hemi-spherical particles of 2,5 um diameter. 
Below you may find comparison of topography scans of these objects, obtained with Etalon Premium (the left one) and standard pyramidal (the right one) probes.  Scan area: 12x12 um. Ridge of tip’s pyramid gives the same artifact in the bottom of each sphere on the right scan. As Etalon Premium probe is narrower, no artifacts are seen when it draws a surface on the left scan.

At the moment Etalon Premium probes presented only with HA_NC-based lever parameters. But in the first half of 2019 we plan to expand this product line by HA_C, HA_CNC, HA_FM and HA_HR Premium models. Condutive Etalon Premium cantilevers will be also designed soon.

More detailed technical data can be found on Etalon Premium product page. We hope that our new products will suit well for your investigations!

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In the end of August together with our colleagues from Ostec-Instruments we were attending International conference Scanning Probe Miscroscopy - 2018 in Ekaterinburg.

We appreciate our colleagues from Ural Federal University - for warm wellcome and excellent organization of all events and lectures, and many interesting people who we met during the conference - for great pastime and valuable ideas for our next developments and common projects.

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Test sample for AFM tip's radius investigation

The necessity of tip's shape estimation arises very often during AFM measurements. Even if manufacturer claims this parameter with high accuracy, fast tip's wear off during scanning leads to the need of its repeated re-calculation.

One of the most popular and cheapest methods to control tip's apex is so-called "blind" tip's shape estimation, suggested by J.S. Villarrubia in 1997. Now it is implemented in many different AFM-image-processing programs. But proper choice of a test sample for such investigation is also a tricky task. It should include many densely packed and respectively hard particles, which size will of the same order that tip's curvature radius.

Today we present our new product: TSD01, the test sample for tip's curvature radius estimation. TSD01 consists of large variety of densely packed particles with average diameter around 60 nm. Particles’ shape is not ideally round. Some of them are rather cylindrical, some ones have got vertical walls and sharp corners (like as on the REM photo). These features are necessary to collect enough statistics for further “blind” tip estimation using Deconvolution algorithm.

Another possible usage of this test sample - qualitative tip's quality control by simple comparison of TSD01 scans "before" and "after" scanning.

More information about TSD01 is presented on its product page. We will be also glad to discuss deconvolution method, its possible applications and correct usage of TSD01 for it. Please, contact us if any questions will appear.

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