We're glad to introduce our new service: TERS demostration!

To detect Tip-Enhanced Raman Scattering is a tricky task, which becomes a deal of the independent research for every new type of sample. Before to start such a difficult investigation with the sample targeted it could be reasonable to polish metodology of the experiment with something more simple and reliable. As a starting point the one could took a combination of our TERS-activated cantilevers and specially prepared TERS_S sample. Using this couple experienced engineers from NT-MDT SI get Raman signal enhancement with almost 100% probability.

What could be better to start working with TERS? Only to speak with an experienced AFM-Raman engineer and to see how he gets Raman signal enhancement directly in your lab!

Our new service TERS_D* includes:
 - One day of experienced AFM-Raman engineer's visit. Using our TERS-activated cantilevers and TERS_S sample he will demonstrate Raman signal enhancement in your laboratory. He will explain all his actions and make some important advices that should be remembered for further TERS experiments. Before and during the visit he will also examine configuration of your equipment and recommend some changes (if needed) to maximise Raman response in TERS mode. And of course he will be glad to answer on your questions about Raman measurements and TERS metodology.
 - Three (or more**) TERS-activated cantilevers, 1-3 ones of which will be used for demonstration, while all other ones or still workable will stay in your lab for your own measurements.

Such option could be interesting so for experienced Raman researchers as for starting ones. If you have already gone for test and even obtained some positive results, you should definitely know that correct probes provide 50% of success in TERS experiment. And what is more reliable than take for measurements probes that have just been tested in your lab and were proven to show the correct result?

That is the main reason that we take minimal price*** for arranging a visit. We're absolutely sure in high quality of our probes. And providing TERS_D service we would like to make you to be sure in the same.

* - TERS_D service is available only for the customers of NT-MDT SI AFM-Raman microscopes.

** - addition of every one probe increases the cost of the service by 200 EUR.

*** - TERS_D price is calculated for European region by default. It can slightly vary up and down depending on the flight and the hotel's cost.

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